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QdC & Emanuele Arciuli in USA – October 2023

22/10 Santa Monica
26/10 New York City
28/10 Kansas City
30/10 Philadelphia
31/10 – 01/11 Yale

Tradizionale tour autunnale del Quartetto di Cremona negli USA con il ritorno a Santa Monica e nuovi debutti come quelli a Kansas City (Cattedrale della Santissima Trinità) e a Philadelphia (Teatro Perelman, Centro Kimmel), e in particolare quello alla Carnegie Hall a New  York, uno delle location più ambite dai musicisti di tutto il mondo.

Traditional autumn tour in the USA with the return in Santa Monica and new debuts such as those in Kansas City (the Grace & Holy Trinity Cathedral) and in Philadelphia (Perelman Theater, Kimmel Center), and in particular the one at Carnegie Hall in New York, one of the most sought-after locations by musicians from all over the world.

25/10 Sioux Falls, South Dakota
26/10 South Dakota State University
28/10 SDSO, South Dakota
29/10 South Dakota State University
30/10 South Dakota State University

02/11 Sioux City, Iowa

Tra i pochi musicisti non americani invitati a tenere concerti e masterclass negli Stati Uniti d’America, Emanuele Arciuli come ogni hanno torna negli USA.
Tra gli appuntamenti in South Dakota: il 28 ottobre suonerà con la South Dakota Symphony Orchestra diretta da Delta David Geir (programma Lou Harrison, Piano concerto); il 29 ottobre terrà una masterclass alla South Dakota State University dove il giorno successivo si esibirà in recital (Rzewski, The People United Will never Be Defeted). Lo stesso programma verrà proposto anche il 2 novembre alla Chiesa Presbiteriana a Sioux City in Iowa.

Among the few non-American musicians invited to hold concerts and masterclasses in United States, as every year Emanuele Arciuli is back in North America.
Some of the events in South Dakota: on October 28th he will play with the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra conducted by Delta David Geir (programme Lou Harrison, Piano Concerto); on October 29th he will hold a masterclass at South Dakota State University where the next day he will paly in recital (Rzewski, The People United Will never Be Defeted). The same programme will also be proposed on November 2nd at Presbyterian Church in Sioux City in Iowa.